Natalie Shure

Natalie Shure is a Chicago native who is a recent transplant to Washington, DC. She has a BA in History and Russian Studies with a minor in Creative Writing. She works at an international education organization, specializing in exchanges of professionals from the Former Soviet Union. When she isn’t at work, she adores coffee shops, sewing, reading and freelance writing. You can follow her on twitter@natalieshure.

Historical Memories of a Sovietophile

As a Russian Studies major employed in an organization that works with the Former Soviet Union, I am almost embarrassed by how long it took me to see My Perestroika.  My chagrin stems mostly from the publicity the film received, but was also the result of the fact that my (perhaps not-so-representative) group of friends is composed of jaunty Russophiles, most of whom saw the movie before me. The film, a documentary by filmmaker Robin Continue Reading...